Thursday, August 25, 2011

Her Share of the Blessings in Your Pants

So yeah. I was at work yesterday, unpacking boxes of books. It's hard work because (a) books are heaver and (b) the people who put them in boxes are, according to my boss "Not even aware that Congress has a library, never mind that there is a Library of Congress sorting system". So pretty much, there are thousands of boxes of books which must be emptied and all contents put on the correct shelves in the correct order, and mostly you have to just guess, which means you have to move each individual book four or five times before it ends up actually in the right place. For the whole library. It's an eleven story library. And? This is the third time in the last year we've had to do this job. Fuck earthquakes, they ruin everything.

Aaaanyway, at work, doing dull repetitive job, bored. Suddenly remember the Your Pants game*, and shazam! Life is beautiful and fucking hilarious. I'd forgotten about it because I ran out of books at home but now I have a whole library to work with.

And then my supervisor was all bored and he's like, "I love the really old outdated sociology books with all the really inappropriate titles" and I was like, "...Have you heard of the Your Pants game?".

And he hadn't, so I taught it to him and he was like, "I am going to be doing this all day now. I hope you know that."

And I was like, You're welcome. Because I just made your whole job so much better." I am an awesome influence.

*For the uninitiated- the Your Pants game is when you take the title of practically any book ever and tack the words "in your pants" to the end of it. Seriously, try it. Go look at your bookcase and you'll see what I mean.

Highlights of the day include:
The Vital Illusion in Your Pants
The Problem of Reality in Your Pants
Interesting Journeys in Your Pants
Her Share of the Blessings in Your Pants
The Destiny of the Warrior in Your Pants

and The Justice of Zeus in Your Pants

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