Wednesday, September 7, 2011

It's in the details

All the funny quirky little things that happen in your day that really aren't big, but conspire together to make your life awesome.

Like yesterday, when some random guy informed me that I fail at being interested in books. This is not something that anyone has ever said before. Ever. Books are what I do. I have four bookshelves in my room and I still have books piled up on every surface because I do not have enough shelves (you never ever have too many books, only not enough places to put them). This is only about half my collection, I have a bunch more in Australia somewhere that I unfortunately cannot get over here. I tried valiantly while I was over there last holidays, biking way out of town and digging through storage sheds, but alas, I have no idea where they are. In Brisbane somewhere probably. Anyway, I was knocked rather speechless and stared at this guy in amusement and bemusement and all the rest of the alphabet of musements. Really was not sure what to say. To be fair to the guy, he spotted my open textbook and, taking advantage of my stunned silence, leaned over to get a peek. His whole face changed and he was like, "Oooh... actually, I take that back. Never mind." Yeah. Take that, dude! The reason I haven't finished that epically long fantasy book* is not that I am not interested, but I'm too busy busting my ass trying to remember what the heck a passive periphrastic does and whether it has six arms and ten ears or the other way round**.

Or today in Shakespeare, where my lecturer very seriously informed us that our "essays and shit" would be available online tomorrow. Then he showed us a trailer for an upcoming movie*** and then proceeded to tell us that "It's such shit! Complete bullshit. Do not ask [other lecturer] about this movie by the way. She refuses to speak about it, she won't mention it, it just makes her so angry."

Or even the other day in Latin class when we had the word 'patronus' in a translation. We, of course, were all excited and whispering and Harry Potter references everywhere. My teacher got so confused as to why we were so excited by what basically amounted to a lawyer**** and when Classmate told Teacher that it was a Harry Potter reference she said, "What is Harry Potter? Why is there patronus in Harry Potter? What does patronus mean in Harry Potter?" We all looked at her about funny because really, who doesn't know Harry Potter? I know she is a bit older than the intended audience, but she's got kids. And her colleague aka our other Latin Teacher quotes Potter all the time. But anyway, she was completely confused. And then for the rest of the day whenever someone in the class laughed at something (a very common occurrence and one that confuses Teacher no end because, although she is an incredibly awesome and funny teacher, most of her humour is accidental and she's never quite sure what's so funny) she would say, "Why are you laughing? Is this Harry Potter too?" Shortly followed by "Why are you looking at me like that? Don't look at me! I don't know Harry Potter, ok?"

Heh. Probably all 'you had to be there' moments, but nonetheless they made my day(s) better and more awesomer. So here's to the little things!

*Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. Actually a very good book, if you're into epic fantasy.

**It's the other way round. Also, it's formed by combining a future passive participle with a form of the verb 'to be'. I'm still unsure why or what it does.
***Anonymous. It's a movie about how Shakespeare didn't actually write Shakespeare and it was all some conspiracy involving Queen Elizabeth I's illegitimate child. From a historical viewpoint, completely ridiculous and laughable. From a linguistic viewpoint, Occam's Razor dude, look it up.
****A patronus in the original Latin sense is a kind of protector-patron, someone who argues your case in court and defends you, basically.

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